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36. Sheheade, S., Liber, M., Popov, M., Berger, Y., Khara, D. C., Jopp, J. & Nir, E. (2019), "Self-Assembly of DNA Origami Heterodimers in High Yields and Analysis of the Involved Mechanisms" Small.



35. Liber, M., Tomov, T. E., Tsukanov, R., Berger, Y., Popov, M. Khara, D. C. & Nir, E. (2018), "Study of DNA Origami Dimerization and Dimer Dissociation Dynamics and of the Factors that Limit Dimerization" Small.



34. Khara, D. C., Schreck, J. S., Tomov, T. E., Berger, Y., Ouldridge, T. E., Doye, J. P. K., & Nir, E. (2017), "DNA bipedal motor walking dynamics: an experimental and theoretical study of the dependency on step size" The Nucleic acids research.



33. Tomov, T. E., Tsukanov, R., Glick, Y., Berger, Y., Liber, M., Avrahami, D.,Gerber, D., Nir, E. (2017). "A DNA Bipedal Motor Achieves a Large Number of Steps Due to Operation Using Microfluidics-Based Interface". ACS nano.  
A story about this paper was published on Nanotechweb: "Microfluidics interface helps push two-legged nanobot" 



32. Pirchi, M., Tsukanov, R., Khamis, R., Tomov, T.E., Berger, Y., Khara, D.C., Volkov, H., Haran, G. and Nir, E. (2016), "Photon-by-Photon Hidden Markov Model Analysis for Microsecond Single-Molecule FRET Kinetics" The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 



31. Noa Plavner Hazan, Toma E. Tomov, Roman Tsukanov1 Miran Liber, Yaron Berger, Rula Masoud, Katalin Toth, Joerg Langowski, Eyal Nir (2015), ”Nucleosome Core Particle Disassembly and Assembly Kinetics Studied Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence” Biophysical Journal 109(8)1676–1685  


30. Benedict E. K. Snodin, Ferdinando Randisi, Majid Mosayebi, Petr Sulc, John S. Schreck, Flavio Romano, Thomas E. Ouldridge, Roman Tsukanov, Eyal Nir, Ard A. Louis and Jonathan P. K. Doye (2015), ‘”Introducing Improved Structural Properties and Salt Dependence into a Coarse-Grained Model of DNA” Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 234901

29. Miran Liber, Toma E. Tomov, Roman Tsukanov, Yaron Berger and Eyal Nir (2014), “A Bipedal DNA Motor that Travels Back and Forth between Two DNA Origami Tiles”, Small. 11(5), 568-575

28. Tsukanov R., Tomov, T. E., Liber M., Berger Y., and Nir E. (2014) "Developing DNA Nanotechnology using Single-Molecule Fluorescence", Accounts of Chemical Research 47(6), 1789-1798 (Invited paper)

27. Tsukanov R., Tomov, T. E., Berger Y., Liber M., and Nir E. (2013) "Conformational Dynamics of DNA Hairpins at Millisecond Resolution Obtained from Analysis of Single-Molecule FRET Histograms", J. Phys. Chem. B, 117(50), 16105-09

26. Tsukanov, R., Tomov, T. E., Masoud, R., Liber, M., Drory, H., Plavner, N., Nir, E. (2013). “Detailed Study of DNA Hairpin Dynamics using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Assisted by DNA Origami”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117(40), 11932-42

25. Toma E. Tomov, Roman Tsukanov, Miran Liber, Rula Masoud, Noa Plavner, and Eyal Nir (2013) Rational Design of DNA Motors: Fuel Optimization through Single-Molecule Fluorescence. JACS 135 11935-11941

24. Rula Masoud, Roman Tsukanov, Toma E. Tomov, Noa Plavner, Miran Liber and Eyal Nir (2012) Studying the Structural Dynamics of Bipedal DNA Motors with Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy. ACS Nano  6(7) 6272-6283

23. Tomov, T.E., Tsukanov, R., Masoud, R., Liber, M., Plavner, N., & Nir, E (2012). Disentangling subpopulations in single-molecule FRET and ALEX experiments with photon distribution analysis. Biophysical Journal  102(5), 1163-1173


22. Kovchegov, Y., Meredith, N. & Nir, E. (2010). Occupation times and Bessel densities. Statistics & Probability Letters 80, 104-110


21. Majumdar, D. S., Smirnova, I., Kasho, V., Nir, E., Kong, X. X., Weiss, S. & Kaback, H. R. (2007). Single-molecule FRET reveals sugar-induced conformational dynamics in LacY. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, 12640-12645

20. Xiangxu Kong, Eyal Nir, Hamadani, K. & Weiss, S. (2007). Photobleaching pathways in single-molecule FRET experiments. Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 4643-4654



19. Nir, E., Michalet, X., Hamadani, K. M., Laurence, T. A., Neuhauser, D., Kovchegov, Y. & Weiss, S. (2006). Shot-noise limited single-molecule FRET histograms: Comparison between theory and experiments. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 22103-22124



18. Jager, M., Nir, E. & Weiss, S. (2006). Site-specific labeling of proteins for single-molecule FRET by combining chemical and enzymatic modification. Protein Science 15, 640-646



17. Abo-Riziq, A., Grace, L., Nir, E., Kabelac, M., Hobza, P. & de Vries, M. S. (2005). Photochemical selectivity in guanine-cytosine base-pair structures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, 20-23



16. Nir, E., Hunig, I., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2004). Conformers of guanosines and their vibrations in the electronic ground and excited states, as revealed by double-resonance spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Chemphyschem 5, 131-137



15. Plutzer, C., Hunig, I., Kleinermanns, K., Nir, E. & de Vries, M. S. (2003). Pairing of isolated nucleobases: Double resonance laser spectroscopy of adenine-thymine. Chemphyschem 4, 838-842



14. Nir, E., Hunig, I., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2003). The nucleobase cytosine and the cytosine dimer investigated by double resonance laser spectroscopy and ab initio calculations.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5, 4780-4785. 



13. Nir, E., Plutzer, C., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. (2002). Properties of isolated DNA bases, base pairs and nucleosides examined by laser spectroscopy. European Physical Journal D 20, 317-329



12. Nir, E., Muller, M., Grace, L. I. & de Vries, M. S. (2002). REMPI spectroscopy of cytosine. Chemical Physics Letters 355, 59-64



11. Nir, E., Janzen, C., Imhof, P., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2002). Pairing of the nucleobase guanine studied by IR-UV double-resonance spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4, 740-750



10. Nir, E., Janzen, C., Imhof, P., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2002). Pairing of the nucleobases guanine and cytosine in the gas phase studied by IR-UV double-resonance spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4, 732-739



9. Nir, E. & de Vries, M. S. (2002). Fragmentation of laser-desorbed 9-substituted adenines. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 219, 133-138



8. Plutzer, C., Nir, E., de Vries, M. S. & Kleinermanns, K. (2001). IR-UV double-resonance spectroscopy of the nucleobase adenine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3, 5466-5469



7. Nir, E., Kleinermanns, K., Grace, L. & de Vries, M. S. (2001). On the photochemistry of purine nucleobases. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, 5106-5110



6. Nir, E., Janzen, C., Imhof, P., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2001). Guanine tautomerism revealed by UV-UV and IR-UV hole burning spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 4604-4611



5. Nir, E., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2000). Pairing of isolated nucleic-acid bases in the absence of the DNA backbone. Nature 408, 949-951



4. Nir, E., Imhof, P., Kleinermanns, K. & de Vries, M. S. (2000). REMPI spectroscopy of laser desorbed guanosines. Journal of the American Chemical Society 122, 8091-8092



3. Cohen, R., Brauer, B., Nir, E., Grace, L. & de Vries, M. S. (2000). Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy of dipeptides. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104, 6351-6355



2. Nir, E., Hunziker, H. E. & de Vries, M. S. (1999). Fragment-free mass spectrometric analysis with jet cooling /VUV photoionisation. Analytical Chemistry 71, 1674-1678



1. Nir, E., Grace, L., Brauer, B. & de Vries, M. S. (1999). REMPI spectroscopy of jet-cooled guanine. Journal of the American Chemical Society 121, 4896-4897


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