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July 2009
Roman: First single-molecules bursts observed in a newly build freely diffusing setup capable of measuring both FRET and ALEX ratios

March 2010

 Roman: First-time trajectories acquired from immobilized molecules by TIRF setup

May 2010

Noa: DNA is doubly labeled with donor Cy3B and acceptor ATTO 647N through PCR with labeled primers.

July 2010

Miran: First DNA Origami is visualized with AFM

September 2010

Roman: First Fast dynamics of DNA hairpin was acquired with several millisecond time resolutions

October 2010

Rula: Complete first step measurement: starting with constructing the complete motor (state-A), continuing with introducing first fuel and releasing of left-leg from T1 and binding to T3 (state-B).

March 2011

Roman: More than 95% of DNA origami rectangle bound the surface in the desired orientation (face up)

 Tommy: First-time successful measurement of walker striding on origami on the TIRF setup.

Noa:  Reconstitution of nucleosome from 4 histones and doubly labeled DNA.

April 2011

Rula: Three motor states (A, B and C) detected and side reactions are identified.

 A successful completion of Tommy: Full striding cycle of walker on origami.

September 2011

Congratulation to Tommy. His paper titled “Disentangling subpopulations  in  single molecule  FRET  and ALEX  experiments  with  photon distribution analysis” was accepted to Biophysical Journal

June 2012

Rula's first paper titled " Studying the Structural Dynamics of Bipedal DNA Motors with Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy" accepted in ACS Nano

Yaron joined the group as a master student

July 2012

Tommy's second paper titled " Rational Design of DNA Motors: Fuel Optimization through Single-Molecule Fluorescence" published in JACS

September 2013

Congratulations to Roman for his paper titled " Detailed Study of DNA Hairpin Dynamics using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Assisted by DNA Origami" published in J. Phys. Chem. B


Roman's second paper "Conformational Dynamics of DNA Hairpins at Millisecond Resolution Obtained from Analysis of Single-Molecule FRET Histograms" published in J. Phys. Chem. B

September 2014

Miran's gets his first paper titled " A Bipedal DNA Motor that Travels Back and Forth between Two DNA Origami Tiles" which is published in Small

April 2015

Dinesh joined Eyal Nir group as a post-doctoral fellow


Noa's gets her first paper titled " Nucleosome Core Particle Disassembly and Assembly Kinetics Studied Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence" which is published in Biophysical Journal

November 2016

Our paper titled " Photon-by-Photon Hidden Markov Model Analysis for Microsecond Single-Molecule FRET Kinetics"  is published in J. Phys. Chem. B

April 2017

Our group published paper "DNA Bipedal Motor Achieves a Large Number of Steps Due to Operation Using MicrofluidicsBased Interface" in ACS Nano, which shows the highest yield a DNA based bipedal motor can practically achieve till date.

A story about this paper was published on Nanotechweb: "Microfluidics interface helps push two-legged nanobot" 


Dinesh published his paper titled "DNA bipedal motor walking dynamics: an experimental and theoretical study of the dependency on step size" in Nucleic acids research

March 2018

Samrat joined the group as a graduate researcher.


Our paper titled  "Study of DNA Origami Dimerization and Dimer Dissociation Dynamics and of the Factors that Limit Dimerization" was published in Small.

December 2018


Yaron successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis on "Fast and Processive Computer Controlled DNA Bipedal Walker"

March 2019


Our paper titled  "Self-Assembly of DNA Origami Heterodimers in High Yields and Analysis of the Involved Mechanisms" was published in Small.

April 2019


Haggai joined the group as a Master degree student and continued to PhD studies in the group

June 2019


Ofir joined our group as a project student, and later continued to Master degree in the group.

August 2019


Meitar joined our group as a project student and later continued to Master degree in the group.

December 2020


Haggai successfully defended his Master Thesis on "Investigating DNA Origami Rotors Connected to Gold Nanorods by Defocused Single-Molecule Imaging"

July 2022


Ofir successfully defended his Master Thesis on "Direct Observation of Computer Controlled DNA Bipedal Motor that Travels Long Distances" 

December 2022


Samrat successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis on "Computer-controlled DNA origami based Fast and Processive Motor"

January 2023


Meitar successfully defended her Master's Thesis on "DNA Origami based Molecular Threading"

February 2023


Samrat moved to join Prof. Jörg Enderlein's group at Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen as PostDoc

September-October 2011
Rula: Successful measurement of the kinetics of binding walker to track and of leg-lifting reaction upon fuel addition.

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